Now I had to figure out the cover-up. Surely, I could just make some simple jacket in a nice sequined fabric. I wanted purple, but could find only black at Joann's. So I bought it and went in search of a pattern. I searched my stash...nothing quite right. I bought a new pattern--I'm not sure it was even on sale, which hurts--thinking it might work. Butterick 5529:
So I went searching for a new pattern. I wanted close-fitting sleeves and a simple but not shapeless body. I had wanted Blackwood anyway for some sweaters, but I hadn't bought it yet as I am trying to be good about buying anything until my fabric stash is reduced in volume and the patterns already purchased have been opened and tried. But as I was in need of a pattern for a specific project and an actual occasion, I was absolved of any responsibility or guilt and I went ahead and bought it. There was no time by this point to make a muslin. I made the shorter version but without the band. It turned out to be exactly what I wanted. It was comfortable and did the trick. It dressed up my outfit and I certainly felt I was in cocktail attire. The sequins on the sleeves did stick to those on the body on occasion, but it was not too bad. It kept me warm! I will definitely use the Blackwood for a sweater.