It is a very nice pattern and was straightforward to put together. However, the creator, "Seamster," sewed all of his stripes on BY HAND except for the tail. While it does make for perfect stripe placement, it's insane and, ideally, one would figure out a way to machine sew ALL of the stripes on. For reals. I machined sewed the stripes on the tail and the arms and legs. I used a stich on my machine that looks like a whipstitch (#47 for future reference). I even found it worth unpicking the seams of the arms and legs to put the stripes on this way, which I had to do since I was following the pattern and only realized how easy it would be to machine sew after the appendages were sewn into their little sausage shapes. I should have unpicked the body, too, probably. It was a royal PIA to sew the remaining stripes on by hand and took for.ev.ah. I was up all night.
I didn't get the legs to come off the body in a way I wanted or liked. I didn't have time to start over though since I was rushing to get it done before my son returned to his house.
My husband ground down the buttons into the oval shape as Seamster did on his tiger.
I made my Hobbes a red scarf as suggested and shown by Seamster. Apparently, this is one of Hobbes's outfits.