Phoenix: Day 3
It was overcast and a bit chilly. We went prepared, and we had a great hike. Some parts of the trail were scary as usual for me, the worst being the part the locals call the saddle but that I have redubbed Nemesis Point. Even after Nemesis Point there are lots of others scary parts where the trail is very narrow and a vast space stretches to the right. Inexplicably, there were a number of bikers on this trail.
The views along the trail are amazing.
After our hike we were pretty hungry and I hate to admit it, but we went to Nando's and had a great early dinner.
Phoenix: Day 2
First we went for a hike at Usery Mountain Regional Park, one of our favorites. We walked the Blevins Trail and added parts of the Chainfruit, Talon, Cat's Peak, and Cat's Peak Pass Trails. There were many bikers, some hikers, and we even saw horses! We walked for 3 hours, it was wonderful, and then we had lunch.
Then we went back to the campground and had a long soak in the hot tub.
Phoenix: Day 1
It was nearly 80 when we arrived at the Mesa/Apache Junction KOA. We really like our campsite! This KOA is packed tight, but it's Phoenix. Every place that can be is packed tight with RVs, most of them huge.