Scott finished his fall season and headed out to work on the river house. He first worked by himself for two days and then he and Frank worked for three, and now the plumbing is connected and the house has running water!
In the first two days, Scott finished the pump house (except the siding)—installing a platform for the pump, drywalling, and painting. He also bought and set in a new water heater. Then he moved the pump from the second floor to the pump house. He had to move some plumbing to accommodate the pump's new location, and he ran electricity out and installed a light and 110 and 220 outlets.
He and Frank worked for two days to connect the pump to the cistern. Among other things, they ran the line from the cistern to the pump and covered it with insulation.
But when they went to charge the system, they discovered the pump was worn out. So on the third day, Scott bought a new pump, they installed it, and turned the water on. It worked, and there were zero leaks in all the interior plumping Scott had installed. He's got everything ready to hook up outside spigots, and inside sinks, shower, downstairs toilet and washer. The upstairs toilet he had already installed, and when he flushed it, it worked great.